Score: 0
This is Flappy Cat, a clone of Flappy Bird intended for the visually impaired. The premise is roughly the same: navigate a flying character (we'll just say it's a cat in this game) through a series of pipes of varying size and location by making it "flap" up and allowing it to fall with gravity. You can determine the positions of the cat and the pipes by audio signal.
Vertical positions on the screen are represented by tones. The bottom of the screen is A4 (440Hz) and the top of the screen is A5 (880Hz). Positions in between are represented by the frequencies in between A4 and A5.
At any given time during the game, you should hear 3 tones. 2 of them are constant, and these represent the top and bottom position of the upcoming pipe. A third is turning on and off, and this represents the position of the cat. The faster it oscillates, the closer the cat is coming to the next set of pipes. If the cat passes between the pipes, your score will go up. If the cat hits one of the pipes or the top or bottom of the screen, the game ends.
You can control the game with the following keys. If you need to put your screen reader into forms mode to register the keys correctly, there is a text input at the bottom of the page.